#LY Corp.

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#data breach
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Line operator says 440,000 personal records leaked in data breach

LY Corp. reported a massive data breach that affected up to 440,000 items of personal data, including over 300,000 linked to Line messaging app users.
The leaked data did not include sensitive information such as bank accounts, credit cards, or chat messages.
The breach was caused by malware infecting a subcontractor's computer owned by LY Corp.'s South Korea-based affiliate. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Line Messenger Data Leak: Massive Data Breach at LY Corp, 440,000 Personal Records Compromised

Over 300,000 Line app user data exposed in a data breach at LY Corp.
No sensitive financial information or chat messages were compromised.
The breach occurred due to unauthorized access to an affiliate's computer system. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Line operator says 440,000 personal records leaked in data breach

LY Corp. reported a massive data breach that affected up to 440,000 items of personal data, including over 300,000 linked to Line messaging app users.
The leaked data did not include sensitive information such as bank accounts, credit cards, or chat messages.
The breach was caused by malware infecting a subcontractor's computer owned by LY Corp.'s South Korea-based affiliate. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Line Messenger Data Leak: Massive Data Breach at LY Corp, 440,000 Personal Records Compromised

Over 300,000 Line app user data exposed in a data breach at LY Corp.
No sensitive financial information or chat messages were compromised.
The breach occurred due to unauthorized access to an affiliate's computer system. [ more ]
moredata breach
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